MNE: Porovnání verzí

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(Created page with "Montenegro")
Řádka 1: Řádka 1:
*{{YUG}} Yugoslavia (till may 1992)
*{{YUG2}} Yugoslavia (may 1992-february 2003)
*{{SCG}} Serbia and Montenegro (february 2003- june 2006)
*{{MNE}} Montenegro (june 2006-xxxx)

Verze z 10. 10. 2012, 16:11

  • 22px-Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg.png Yugoslavia (till may 1992)
  • 22px-Flag of FR Yugoslavia.svg.png Yugoslavia (may 1992-february 2003)
  • 22px-Flag of Serbia and Montenegro.svg.png Serbia and Montenegro (february 2003- june 2006)
  • 22px-Flag of Montenegro.svg.png Montenegro (june 2006-xxxx)