Djamel Bouras: Porovnání verzí

Z Judo
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Řádka 4: Řádka 4:
*One of the most controversial judoka on tatami. Some people loved him and other people hated him.
*One of the most controversial judoka on tatami. Some people loved him and other people hated him.
*In end of 1997 he was positive tested for nandrolon and he was banned for 2 years.
*On October 1997 he was positive tested for nandrolon and he was banned for 2 years but year later the ban was canceled because of procedure mistake.

Verze z 19. 3. 2012, 19:19

Džamel Bura (Czech)

11.08.1971 France

  • One of the most controversial judoka on tatami. Some people loved him and other people hated him.
  • On October 1997 he was positive tested for nandrolon and he was banned for 2 years but year later the ban was canceled because of procedure mistake.