Rudolf Hendel: Porovnání verzí

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{{MedalTopPic| rhendel.jpg‎ |300px|Rudolf Hendel}}
{{MedalTopPic| rhendel.jpg‎ |300px|Rudolf Hendel}}
21.09.1947 Rodewisch
*His judo was focused on hard defense. No style judo.
*His judo was focused on hard defense. No style judo.

Verze z 28. 3. 2012, 11:19

Rudolf Hendel

21.09.1947 Rodewisch

  • His judo was focused on hard defense. No style judo.
  • He won most of his matches by referees decision.
  • He found with his friend Karl-Heinz Werner judo club in Frankfurt.
  • He is succesfull trainer. His charge Marko Spittka became Olympic medalist.