Ivan Nifontov: Porovnání verzí

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(Career and Style)
Řádka 18: Řádka 18:
2009 was his dream year because he won World and European Championships.
2009 was his dream year because he won World and European Championships.
In beggining of 2012 he suffer knee injury at World Masters tournament. He underwent operation and missed about month of training.<ref>http://rzn.aif.ru/sport/article/27165</ref>
In beggining of 2012 he suffered knee injury at World Masters tournament. He underwent operation and missed about month of training.<ref>http://rzn.aif.ru/sport/article/27165</ref>

Verze z 2. 10. 2012, 10:42

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Ivan Nifontov

Иван Нифонтов

22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png 05.06.1987 (Kazakh SSR)


He was born in Kazakhstan where he begun with judo.

In 1996 he moved with his family to city Barnaul (Altai Krai).

Since 2005 he lives in Ryazan which is cca 200km from Moscow.

His trainer is Dmitry Sergeyev.

Career and Style

He is one of the most skilled judoplayers in Russia. He is selfconfidence and determinate. He has great psychical attributies like speed, balance. He has powerful grips and very good ashi-waza. His tactic is waiting for right moment so it's mean his judo is not offensive. This trend is very typical for new wave (since 2009) of Russian judo which he is product.

2009 was his dream year because he won World and European Championships.

In beggining of 2012 he suffered knee injury at World Masters tournament. He underwent operation and missed about month of training.<ref>http://rzn.aif.ru/sport/article/27165</ref>


Olympic Games

Year Age Cathegory 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Bronze Match
2012 25.2 Half-Middleweight BYE W
22px-Olympic flag.svg.png Reginal de Windt
22px-Flag of Belgium (civil).svg.png Joachim Bottieau
22px-Flag of Canada.svg.png Antoine Valois-Fortier
22px-Flag of South Korea.svg.png Jae-Beom Kim
22px-Flag of Japan.svg.png Takahiro Nakai

World Championships

Year Age Cathegory 1/128 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Repechage Bronze Match
2009 22.3 Half-Middleweight - W
22px-Flag of Canada.svg.png Kalem Kachur
22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png Artem Vasylenko
22px-Flag of Mongolia.svg.png Nyamkhüü Damdinsüren
22px-Flag of Italy.svg.png Antonio Ciano
22px-Flag of Germany.svg.png Ole Bischof
- W
22px-Flag of Belarus.svg.png Siarhei Shundzikau
2010 23.3 Half-Middleweight BYE W
22px-Flag of Iraq.svg.png Husayn Al-Ameri
22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png Vitaly Dudchyk
22px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png Elnur Məmmədli
- - - -
2011 24.3 Half-Middleweight W
22px-Flag of Turkey.svg.png Ahmet Sarı
22px-Flag of Argentina.svg.png Emmanuel Lucenti
22px-Flag of Brazil.svg.png Flávio Canto
22px-Flag of South Korea.svg.png Jae-Beom Kim
- L
22px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png Elxan Rəcəbli

European Championships

Year Age Cathegory 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Match
2009 21.9 Half-Middleweight W
22px-Flag of Hungary.svg.png Sándor Nagysolymosi
22px-Flag of Austria.svg.png Albert Fercher
22px-Flag of Belarus.svg.png Mikalai Barkouski
22px-Flag of France.svg.png Axel Clerget
22px-Flag of Italy.svg.png Antonio Ciano
2010 - - - - - - -
2011 - - - - - - -
2012 - - - - - - -


