Petr Jákl I

Z Judo
Verze z 25. 3. 2012, 19:54, kterou vytvořil Tyytoo (diskuse | příspěvky) (Created page with "{{MedalTopPic| jaklsen.jpg‎ |300px|Petr Jákl}} Petr Yakl (English) 16.12.1941 Praha *He begin with judo when he was 16. *During active career he appeard in many movies as s...")

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Petr Jákl

Petr Yakl (English)

16.12.1941 Praha

  • He begin with judo when he was 16.
  • During active career he appeard in many movies as stuntman.
  • He retired in 1975 and he engaged in training new stuntsmans.
  • He is father of Petr Jákl junior