Gi-Chun Wang

Z Judo
Verze z 25. 5. 2013, 19:06, kterou vytvořil Tyytoo (diskuse | příspěvky) (Career and Style)

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Gi-Chun Wang

Ki-Chun Wang (American transliteration)
Ki-Čchun Wang (Czech)
Ki-Chxun Wang

22px-Flag of South Korea.svg.png 13.09.1988


He was born in Jeongeup but when he was 8 years old he moved in capital city Seoul.<ref></ref>

He started wth judo because he wanted be strong.

He is one of the most popular judoka in South Korea. He has lot of fans mainly girlfans.

Career and Style

Wang is one of the most skilled judoka of his generation. He combines precise technique with speed as anybody else. Especially his Te-Waza (Seoi-Nagi, Tai-Otoshi) are phenomenal and could be compared with seoi-nagi of Toshihiko Koga and other judo players of old time.

To the perfection Wang is missing one thing the luck. His Olympic experiences are almost like tragedies...

In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in quaterfinal match against Guilheiro he hardly bruised his ribs and in final match against Məmmədli he lost in beggining of the match with controversial ippon which was not ippon. Referee just did not notice it because of quickness that he did not tough ground with back. This time there was no videoreferee who could correct it.

In 2012 London Olympic Games in second round in match against Ibragimov he did a mistake and Kazakh judoka cought him in Juji-Gatame (armlock). When he was traying to escape from armlock he tored ligaments in right elbow. He won this match but next matches presented by him were very defensive. He was wainting for the right moment when to throw opponent and in seminfinal match against Isayev the right moment did not come. So he lost and lost also next match for Bronze medal against Legrand who already beated him 2011 World Championships.

Last sesons 2011 and 2012 were not such succesful for Wang. His main problem is probably the fact that he must lose weight before tournaments. For young man this is not problem but for seniors, adults (23, 24...) this is problem (bad mood, always hungry...). It's very possible that he will soon move to Half-Middleweight (-81kg).


Olympic Games

Year Age Cathegory 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Bronze Match Final Match
2008 19.9 Lightweight - W
22px-Flag of Kazakhstan.svg.png Rinat Ibragimov
22px-Flag of Uzbekistan.svg.png Shakir Muminov
22px-Flag of Brazil.svg.png Leandro Guilheiro
22px-Flag of Tajikistan.svg.png Rasul Boqiyev
- L
22px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png Elnur Məmmədli
2012 23.9 Lightweight W
22px-Flag of Georgia.svg.png Nugzar Tatalashvili
22px-Flag of Kazakhstan.svg.png Rinat Ibragimov
22px-Flag of the Czech Republic.svg.png Jaromír Ježek
22px-Flag of the United States.svg.png Nick Delpopolo
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Mansur Isayev
22px-Flag of France.svg.png Ugo Legrand

World Championships

Year Age Cathegory 1/128 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Bronze Match Final Match
2007 19.0 Lightweight BYE W
17px-Flag of Switzerland.svg.png David Papaux
22px-Flag of Romania.svg.png Claudiu Baştea
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Salamu Mezhidov
22px-Flag of Japan.svg.png Yusuke Kanamura
22px-Flag of Tajikistan.svg.png Rasul Boqiyev
- W
22px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png Elnur Məmmədli
2009 21.0 Lightweight - W
22px-Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg.png Wei Liu
22px-Flag of Canada.svg.png Nicholas Tritton
22px-Flag of Georgia.svg.png Davit Kevkhishvili
22px-Flag of Turkey.svg.png Sezer Huysuz
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Mansur Isayev
- W
22px-Flag of North Korea.svg.png Choel-Su Kim
2010 22.0 Lightweight W
22px-Flag of Estonia.svg.png Künter Rothberg
22px-Flag of Turkmenistan.svg.png Öwez Atalyev
22px-Flag of Poland.svg.png Krzysztof Wiłkomirski
22px-Flag of Portugal.svg.png André Alves
22px-Flag of France.svg.png Ugo Legrand
22px-Flag of Japan.svg.png Hiroyuki Akimoto
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Mansur Isayev
2011 23.0 Lightweight W
22px-Flag of Italy.svg.png Giovanni Di Cristo
22px-Flag of Mongolia.svg.png Odbayar Ganbaatar
22px-Flag of Slovenia.svg.png Sašo Jereb
22px-Flag of France.svg.png Ugo Legrand
- - - -

Junior years (till 2007)

Tournament 2006
WJC20 3


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