Lukáš Krpálek
Z Judo
Verze z 5. 6. 2011, 21:39, kterou vytvořil (diskuse)
Chyba při vytváření náhledu: Chybějící soubor Lukáš Krpálek |
Lukáš Krpálek (born November 15, 1990 in Jihlava, Vysočina) is a judoka from Czech republic
-He was born in Jihlava and begun with judo same time as his older brother Michal.
-As young boys they were asked by their uncle if they want to do karate. They agreed and they started visiting club SK Judo Jihlava. After one month of training they realised that it isn't karate but judo.
-Around 15 years old he moved to Prague to study joinery. He also changed judo club for USK Judo Praha
-He is 2-time junior world champion in half-heavyweight category (-100kg) from 2009 and 2010.
-He is athletic kind of judoka with very good fitness.
-From season 2011 he fights in Austrian Bundesliga for SU Noricum Leibnitz.