Renat Mirzəliyev: Porovnání verzí

Z Judo
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Řádka 17: Řádka 17:
*After winning WCH in 2001 he got offer to fight for Russia where was the better opportunities (finance) but also many competitors, rivals.
*After winning WCH in 2001 he got offer to fight for Russia where was the better opportunities (finance) but also many competitors, rivals.
*Later he came back under Ukrainian flag and from 2010 he represents Azerbaijan.
*Later he came back under Ukrainian flag and from 2010 he represents Azerbaijan.
[[Category:1982 Active Judoka]]
[[Category:Azerbaijani Judoka]]

Verze z 17. 2. 2012, 17:05

Renat Mirzaliyev
Rinat Mirzaliyev
Ренат Мирзалиев
Ринат Мирзалиев
Рінат Мірзаліев

24.03.1982 Ukraine

  • 22px-Flag of the Soviet Union.svg.png 1982-1991
  • 22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png 1992-2002
  • 22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png 2002-????
  • 22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png ????-2010
  • 22px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png 2010-xxxx
  • His father is from Azerbaijan and mother from Ukraine.
  • He is younger brother of Ruslan Mirzaliyev.
  • After winning WCH in 2001 he got offer to fight for Russia where was the better opportunities (finance) but also many competitors, rivals.
  • Later he came back under Ukrainian flag and from 2010 he represents Azerbaijan.