Shota Khabareli: Porovnání verzí

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შოთა ხაბარელი
შოთა ხაბარელი

Aktuální verze z 21. 3. 2012, 13:03

Shota Khabareli

შოთა ხაბარელი

26.12.1958 Kahketi

  • He was well known for his throwing technics so typicial for georgian (caucasian) wrestling.
  • One of this throw gadavlia (gadavleba) is called after him in judo Khabareli Throw
  • After retirement in 1986 he became trainer and later head coach of Georgian judo team. His charges Zurab Zviadauri and Irakli Tsirekidze became olympic championshis.