Zurab Zviadauri: Porovnání verzí

Z Judo
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Řádka 10: Řádka 10:
*He tried for come back many times but he was always stopped by an injury.
*He tried for come back many times but he was always stopped by an injury.
*Later he decided be trainer and offical in Georgian Judo Federation.
*Later he decided be trainer and offical in Georgian Judo Federation.
*From 2011 he started training again and he participated in some international tournaments but without big success.
*From 2011 he started competing again and he participated in some international tournaments but without big success.

Verze z 21. 3. 2012, 12:42

Chyba při vytváření náhledu: Chybějící soubor

Zurab Zviadauri

ზურაბ ზვიადაური

02.07.1981 Akhmeta, Kakheti

  • He was known for his technical throwing skill so typical for georgian judo.
  • He is cousin of Ilias Iliadis.
  • After winning Olympic gold medal in 2004 he relaxed in training (increase weight) and his place was quickly occupied by other judokas.
  • He tried for come back many times but he was always stopped by an injury.
  • Later he decided be trainer and offical in Georgian Judo Federation.
  • From 2011 he started competing again and he participated in some international tournaments but without big success.
