Jae-Beom Kim

Z Judo
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Jae-Beom Kim

김재범 (Kim Jae-Beom)
Če-pom Kim (Czech)
Jae-Bum Kim (popular transliteration but not correct)

22px-Flag of South Korea.svg.png 25.01.1985


He was born in Gimcheon which is small city in middle of South Korea.

His name Beom (Bom or Pom) means Tiger.

He is the faithful of Christianity.

He is a showman. He performs in many TV shows.

His trainer is Jeong Hun.

Career and Style

Kim was big judo talent from his young age but his seniors results in Lightweight cathegory were not such excelent as they were predicted.

In 2005 he injuried left shoulder and this injury limited him many times in future and led to other injuries.

For Olympic season 2008 he changed weight cathegory to 81kg (Half-Middleweight). He came with this idea in 2007 after getting less opportunities fighting in national team. In 2007 South Korea had 3 great lightweighters - himself, rising star Gi-Chun Wang and practised Won-Hui I.

The change of cathegory proved to be very good step for his future career. In 2008 he won silver medal at Olympic Games in Beijing and for next years became almost unbeatable judoka.

In 2012 he made his dream come true after winning Olympic gold medal.

Kim's judo is focus on perfection. This come from his hard work ethic. He is very tough fighter with powerful grips (kumikata) and he exceles in both nage-waza and ne-waza. His true magic is in determination.

Kim have had big troubles with left side of his body. Before Olympic Games in London the situation for him was very critical. He missed many tournaments because of left shoulder which he dislocated again in December 2011 and to that he had about a year problems with left knee. About month before games he fell on his left elbow and he tore ligaments in elbow and in two fingers of left hand. His injuries were described like very serious.<ref>http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201208012022331&code=980901</ref>


Olympic Games

Year Age Cathegory 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Match
2008 23.5 Half-Middleweight BYE W
22px-Flag of Belarus.svg.png Siarhei Shundzikau
22px-Flag of Poland.svg.png Robert Krawczyk
22px-Flag of Portugal.svg.png João Neto
22px-Flag of the Netherlands.svg.png Guillaume Elmont
22px-Flag of Germany.svg.png Ole Bischof
2012 27.5 Half-Middleweight BYE W
22px-Flag of Uzbekistan.svg.png Yahya Imamov
22px-Flag of Hungary.svg.png László Csoknyai
22px-Flag of Argentina.svg.png Emmanuel Lucenti
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Ivan Nifontov
22px-Flag of Germany.svg.png Ole Bischof

World Championships

Year Age Cathegory 1/128 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Bronze Match Final Match
2005 18.6 Lightweight - W
22px-Flag of Haiti.svg.png Josué Deprez
22px-Flag of Ghana.svg.png Emmanuel Nartey
- - - - -
2007 - - - - - - - - - -
2009 24.6 Half-Middleweight - W
22px-Flag of Kazakhstan.svg.png Aleksandr Kasachev
22px-Flag of Portugal.svg.png João Neto
22px-Flag of Cyprus.svg.png Aleksandar Manev
22px-Flag of Montenegro.svg.png Srđan Mrvaljević
22px-Flag of Belarus.svg.png Siarhei Shundzikau
22px-Flag of Italy.svg.png Antonio Ciano
2010 25.6 Half-Middleweight BYE W
22px-Flag of Hungary.svg.png László Csoknyai
22px-Flag of Argentina.svg.png Emmanuel Lucenti
22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png Artem Vasylenko
22px-Flag of the Netherlands.svg.png Guillaume Elmont
22px-Flag of Japan.svg.png Masahiro Takamatsu
- W
22px-Flag of Brazil.svg.png Leandro Guilheiro
2011 26.6 Half-Middleweight W
22px-Flag of Mongolia.svg.png Uuganbaatar Otgonbaatar
22px-Flag of Turkmenistan.svg.png Aziz Khojakulyev
22px-Flag of Belgium (civil).svg.png Joachim Bottieau
22px-Flag of Germany.svg.png Ole Bischof
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Ivan Nifontov
22px-Flag of France.svg.png Loïc Pietri
- W
22px-Flag of Montenegro.svg.png Srđan Mrvaljević

Junior years (till 2004)

Tournament 2004
WJC20 1


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