Anatoly Laryukov

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Anatoly Laryukov

Анатолий Ларюков

22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png 28.10.1970 Vladikavkaz

  • 22px-Flag of the Soviet Union.svg.png till 1991
  • 22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png till 1999
  • 22px-Flag of Belarus.svg.png since 1999


Career and Style

He represented Belarus since 1999 till end of his career in 2004. Reason was logical because of his age he doubted if he ever fight at olympic games under Russian flag. In Belarus he had not as many rivals.

In Athens 2004 OG in his first match with Korean top favorite he was leading by yuko in middle of the match but I equal score and won with more points.


Olympic Games

Year Age Category 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Repechage Bronze Match
2000 29.9 Lightweight BYE W
22px-Flag of France.svg.png Ferrid Kheder
22px-Flag of Peru.svg.png Germán Velazco
22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png Hennadiy Bilodid
22px-Flag of Italy.svg.png Giuseppe Maddaloni
- W
22px-Flag of the United States.svg.png Jimmy Pedro
2004 33.8 Lightweight BYE L
22px-Flag of South Korea.svg.png Won-Hui I
- - - L
22px-Flag of the United States.svg.png Jimmy Pedro
