Irakli Tsirekidze: Porovnání verzí

Z Judo
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Řádka 7: Řádka 7:
*His very strong in newaza.
*His very strong in newaza.
*He often uses Kouchi gari technic.
*He often uses Kouchi gari technic.
*After winning Olympic gold medal in 2008 he decided retire but later change his mind and came back in half-heavyweight category because middleweight was occupied by his friend [[Varlam Liparteliani]].
*After winning Olympic gold medal in 2008 he decided retire but later change his mind and came back in half-heavyweight category because middleweight was already hard occupied by his friend [[Varlam Liparteliani]].
*He is only judoka from Georgia who won Olympic and Worl title.
*He is only judoka from Georgia who won Olympic and Worl title.

Verze z 21. 3. 2012, 12:03

ირაკლი ცირეკიძე


  • For long time he was in shadow of Zurab Zviadauri
  • From 2005 he became number one in middleweight category in georgian team.
  • His very strong in newaza.
  • He often uses Kouchi gari technic.
  • After winning Olympic gold medal in 2008 he decided retire but later change his mind and came back in half-heavyweight category because middleweight was already hard occupied by his friend Varlam Liparteliani.
  • He is only judoka from Georgia who won Olympic and Worl title.