Marcus Nyman

Z Judo
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Marcus Nyman

Marcus Victor Jan Nyman

22px-Flag of Sweden.svg.png 14.08.1990


He was born in Tumba and he was raised in Tullinge. Both cities are very close to capital city Stockholm.

He begun with judo as little child. His mother Elisabeth is Swedish judo legend.<ref></ref>

His proffesion is lift mechanic.<ref></ref>

His coach is Boris Novotný.

Career and Style

Nyman is from country where judo has no long tradition and judo as sport is still in shadow of other sports. It's small miracle where he got with such backround. His judo style is very specific. He is intuitive fighter more than technical. He has strong upper body and very good balance and timing and also clear mind. He doesn't think much what to do and what not to do. He is counted among no-stylers (waiting for contras) and he has some limited ashi-waza and sutemi-waza skills.

In 2010 in his first senior season he won European Championships and he was immediately ranked among best middleweighters. But with years it's seems that he is losing breath with top judokas. They probably get used to his style which stay same with years.

In 2012 he had performance crisis and it's query how will look his next seasons.


Olympic Games

Year Age Category 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Final Match
2012 22.0 Middleweight L
22px-Flag of Uzbekistan.svg.png Dilshod Chariyev
- - - -

World Championships

Year Age Category 1/128 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Bronze Match
2010 20.0 Middleweight - W
22px-Flag of Poland.svg.png Łukasz Koleśnik
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Kirill Denisov
- - - -
2011 21.0 Middleweight BYE W
22px-Flag of Uruguay.svg.png Juan Romero
22px-Flag of Japan.svg.png Takashi Ono
- - - -

European Championships

Year Age Category 1/64 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Repechage Bronze Match Final Match
2010 19.7 Middleweight - W
22px-Flag of the Czech Republic.svg.png Michal Krpálek
22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png Vadym Synyavskiy
22px-Flag of Slovakia.svg.png Milan Randl
22px-Flag of Austria.svg.png Max Schirnhofer
- - W
22px-Flag of Georgia.svg.png Varlam Liparteliani
2011 20.7 Middleweight BYE W
22px-Flag of Spain.svg.png David Alarza
22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png Valentyn Hrekov
22px-Flag of Georgia.svg.png Varlam Liparteliani
- W
22px-Flag of Turkey.svg.png Yunus Emre Bayındır
22px-Flag of Poland.svg.png Robert Krawczyk
2012 21.7 Middleweight BYE L
22px-Flag of the Czech Republic.svg.png Alexandr Jurečka
- - - - - -

Results - Junior years (till 2012)<ref group="notes">A - attend; x - could not start already (age limit); - - no champ. that year; DNS - did not start</ref>

Tournament 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
EJU17 A A x x x x x x
EJU20 DNS DNS A 5 1 x x x
WJC20 - DNS - 3 A x x x


<references group="notes" /> <references />
