Frédéric Demontfaucon

Z Judo
Verze z 30. 5. 2013, 23:28, kterou vytvořil Tyytoo (diskuse | příspěvky) (Career and Style)

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Frédéric Demontfaucon

Fredrik D'mon'foku (spelling)

22px-Flag of France.svg.png 24.12.1973


He started with judo at age of 5 in Avalon.

His coach was Jean-Pierre Gilbert.

Career and Style

Demontfaucon was tough judo player with great sutemi-waza, ne-waza and solid ashi-waza. He was defensive judo player who liked winning by points then by ippon.

His pro career almost ended in 1997 and 1998 whem he tore ligaments in both kneew.


Olympic Games

Year Age Category 1/32 1/16 Quarter-Finals Semi-Finals Repechage Bronze Match
2000 26.7 Middleweight W
22px-Flag of Ukraine.svg.png Ruslan Mashurenko
22px-Flag of Puerto Rico.svg.png Carlos Santiago
22px-Flag of Argentina.svg.png Eduardo Costa
22px-Flag of Brazil.svg.png Carlos Honorato
- W
22px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png Rəsul Səlimov
2004 30.7 Middleweight W
22px-Flag of Mexico.svg.png José Goldschmied
22px-Flag of the United States.svg.png Brian Olson
22px-Flag of Georgia.svg.png Zurab Zviadauri
- L
22px-Flag of Russia.svg.png Khasanbi Taov
2008 34.6 Half-Heavyweight L
22px-Flag of Israel.svg.png Ariel Zeevi
- - - -
